Manage your emotions, raise your game

EMOCHECK is a powerful tool that helps you manage your emotions and improve your sports performance. It analyzes more than 150 emotional, stress and cognitive parameters through your voice, and provides you with personalized indicators and alerts in real time. Find out how EMOCHECK can help you reach your full potential!


How EMOCHECK works?

The EMOCHECK System is based on 2 components:
Mobile App: responsible for collecting voice files.
Online Platform: intended for administrative management, and presentation of alerts, attendance reports, results and statistics.

EMOCHECK identifies indicators in 14 emotions and emotional disorders:

1. Happiness
2. Energy
3. Anger
4. Stress
5. Arousal
6. Sadness
7. Mind Charge
8. Discomfort
9. Trust
10.Extreme emotions
11. Emotional stress
12. Dissatisfaction
14.Burnout (exhaustion syndrome).